how to make a dog vomit

5 Useful Tips on How to Make A Dog Vomit Safely at Home.

In Dog Health Tips by Isaac

As responsible dog owners, it’s essential to be prepared for emergencies that might affect our furry friends. One such situation is knowing how to make a dog vomit safely. While it might sound a bit daunting, having this knowledge can be a lifesaver in certain scenarios.

A Disclaimer though.

We do not advise making your dog vomit if you have no prior experience with how to do it. Even with the tips we offer below, if you still feel you cannot do this on your own, we strongly suggest that you have a trained veterinary doctor do it for you. 

Also, if you suspect your dog has ingested something toxic or harmful, contact your vet doctor immediately or a pet emergency number. A trained professional will calmly help assess the situation and guide you on the steps to take to ensure the safety of your pet. 

With that said, let’s dive into the 5 safe tips on how to make a dog vomit in the comfort of your home. 

1)  Identify the ingested harmful substance

Your four-legged friend can sometimes be mischievous and accidentally swallow things that are harmful to him. Common household toxins such as chocolate, grapes, some plants, medicines, and cleaning products can pose serious health risks to our dogs. That’s why it’s so important to recognize the symptoms of poisoning or ingestion, such as vomiting, diarrhea, excessive salivation, lethargy, and difficulty breathing. 

See this comprehensive list of other potential toxins that are harmful to dogs. 

2)  When to (When NOT to) Induce Vomiting

Before we rush to make our dogs vomit, it’s important to consider a few factors. In some cases, inducing vomiting can do more harm than good, especially if your dog has ingested corrosive substances or sharp objects, or if they are unconscious. If you’re unsure or hesitant, don’t hesitate to reach out to your veterinarian for guidance. They can assess the situation and advise you on the best course of action.

We insist on only regurgitating your dog as an absolute last resort and as an emergency response recommended by a trained vet. 

-Edward Perez, Manmade Kennels-

Here are some other instances where you should not regurgitate your dog;

  • When the dog appears lethargic
  • If the dog is vomiting already
  • When the dog is unconscious or comatose
  • When the dog has an existing illness that may worsen with vomiting
  • When the dog has trouble swallowing
  • If the dog recently had an abdominal surgery
  • If the dog has difficulty breathing 
  • If the dog swallowed drugs, any sharp objects, or corrosive solvents

3)  What home remedy can I give my dog for vomiting?

When you are sure it’s safe to induce vomiting, there are a couple of ways to do that at home. The most common and safe option is using hydrogen peroxide, which should be administered under the guidance of a vet. Other alternatives will be mentioned later.

If you prefer a more natural approach, you can try giving your dog a small amount of saltwater. However, this method should only be used if hydrogen peroxide is not available or recommended by your vet.

How to make a dog throw up with Hydrogen peroxide.

how to make a dog vomit with hydrogen peroxide

Now, in case you are wondering how to make my dog vomit without hydrogen peroxide, stay put, we got you covered in the next paragraphs. Remember, too much hydrogen peroxide can do more harm than good, so limit it to the recommended dosage. 

How much peroxide to make a dog vomit?

It’s crucial to use the right concentration and dosage, typically 1 teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight for medium to small-sized dogs and about 3 tablespoons for larger dogs. Mix it with a little water or broth and gently administer it using a syringe or a turkey baster.

We also get asked a lot about ‘How to make my dog vomit without hydrogen peroxide?’ and we have the right answers for you. 

How to make a dog vomit with salt

cooking salt

If you are unsure about hydrogen peroxide, salt is another safe-to-use ingredient found right in your kitchen. Place one teaspoon of salt at the back of your furry friend’s mouth, which should induce vomiting within the first 10 to 30 minutes. 

Step by step

  • Tilt your dog’s head back and press the sides of its mouth to open the jaws
  • Gently insert the teaspoon of salt at the back of its mouth
  • Wait for vomiting to occur within the first 3 minutes
  • If vomiting does not happen, repeat the process with the same dosage
  • Still, the dog does not vomit? Stop the salt technique and rush your dog to a vet

Sometimes mixing a teaspoon of salt in half a cup of water and giving it to your dog does the trick. Do not use too much salt as this can be dangerous for your dog’s health.

How to make a dog vomit with mustard

mustard emetic effects on dogs

If the salt didn’t work, then mustard is a third option to try. Mustard contains the active ingredients isothiocyanate and glucosinolates, two chemicals known to have emetic effects in dogs. Similarly, placing a teaspoon of mustard at the back of your dog’s mouth should induce vomiting in minutes. The alternative is adding a teaspoon of mustard with half a cup of water and letting your dog drink it. 

Regurgitating with ipecac for dogs

Ipecac is a pharmaceutical syrup used as an emetic in humans. Ipecac can be used on dogs too, however, vets do not recommend it for dogs with breathing difficulties or heart disease. About 5 ml of ipecac per pound of body weight is enough to do the trick. 

How to make a dog vomit with egg whites

egg whites

Yes, dogs find egg whites off-putting and about two egg whites mixed with half a cup of water will get your furry friend’s tummy churning. Here is the best part, if your dog swallowed toxins, the egg whites absorb those toxins and come out as the dog vomits. 

Regurgitating a dog with activated charcoal

help a dog vomit with activated charcoal.

Just like egg whites, activated charcoal is a natural toxin remover and is ideal if the dog swallows poisonous substances. Give your dog one activated carbon capsule or mix it in a bit of water before administering orally. 

Is it safe to use baking soda to make a dog vomit?

baking soda

No, we do not recommend using baking soda to regurgitate your dog. Also, it does induce vomiting in dogs, baking soda can cause a serious depletion of electrolytes in your dog as it vomits.

And just in case you are thinking about it, hold up. Read more below.

How to make a dog vomit with your fingers?

An absolute NO. The same problem applies, your dog will lose a lot of electrolytes when the vomiting is spontaneous. So keep away from manually 

Just in case you went in blindly with the baking soda or with your fingers, well we recommend you observe the state of your dog. If they seem to get worse than before, then rush your dog to the hospital immediately. 

On the other hand, if the pup seems fine, there is an easy way to get those electrolytes back up. We recommend Bullyade Vitamins & Electrolytes for dogs, a vet-approved, lab-tested, pet supplement

4)  What to do after inducing vomiting in a dog

Once you’ve successfully induced vomiting, it’s essential to keep a close eye on your dog. Offer them plenty of water to stay hydrated, and keep them in a calm and comfortable environment. Observe their behavior, looking out for any signs of distress or unusual symptoms. While vomiting may be distressing for your pup, it’s generally a sign that their body is trying to expel the harmful substance.

5)   Preventive Measures to avoid regurgitating your dog

We also believe prevention is better than cure. Make sure not to leave any toxins or dangerous substances like cleaning products around if you live with pets. Be vigilant about your dog’s whereabouts, whether they are playing in the next room or outdoors sniffing your garden plants

Pet-proofing your home is one of the best ways to keep your dog safe from ingesting harmful substances. Keep medications, chemicals, and toxic plants out of reach. Invest in trash cans with secure lids, and be cautious about leaving food within your dog’s reach.

Additionally, training your dog with simple commands like “drop it” or “leave it” can be invaluable, as it can prevent them from grabbing or sniffing something harmful during walks or playtime. Regular vet check-ups are also essential, as your veterinarian can offer tailored advice based on your dog’s specific needs and health status.


While we hope you never have to use this knowledge, being prepared can save your dog’s life in an emergency. Remember to act quickly, but always consult with your veterinarian for personalized advice and support. Our furry friends rely on us to keep them safe and healthy, and with the right knowledge and resources, we can be their superheroes in times of need.


1.    What is the easiest way to make a dog throw up?

One of the easiest ways to make a dog vomit is by using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water. Other safer at-home methods include salt water solution or mustard.

2.    How do you calculate hydrogen peroxide for dogs?

Vet doctors recommend 1 milliliter of hydrogen peroxide per pound of body weight. A simple way is to measure with a teaspoon where one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide (5ml) per 5 pounds of body weight. 

3.  How do I get my dog to throw up without peroxide?

There are natural ways to help your dog vomit like using salt-water or mustard-water solution. Vomiting usually happens within 10 to 30 minutes of the dog ingesting the solution. Always monitor your dog after regurgitation and if you notice any unusual symptoms, call your vet immediately.